Earn College Credit in High School

Students have two opportunities to earn college credits while in high school
Career & College Promise
Career & College Promise (CCP) allows eligible high school students to enroll in college classes at Johnston Community College (JCC). CCP offers high school students options to pursue educational and career goals using a rigorous yet supportive structure. Students can take courses through college-transfer pathways and/or Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways.
Many CCP courses are also eligible for high school credit, meaning students can take one class and earn credit towards their high school diploma and community college diploma or certificate program. The CCP program can save time and money for students and families.
Articulated Credit
The North Carolina High School to Community College Articulation Agreement allows students to receive articulated credit at a NC community college for courses taken during high school. Additionally through our partnership with Johnston Community College, we have added additional local articulated credit opportunities.
The articulation agreement ensures that if a student is proficient in certain high school course(s), the student can receive college credit for a similar course or combination of courses at community colleges. This streamlines the student’s educational pathway by eliminating the need to pass multiple courses with the same learning outcomes, saving time and money.
To receive credit, the articulated course(s) must be included in a selected program of study. Additionally, students must enroll in a NC community college within two years of high school graduation and meet the following criteria:
- Student must make a grade of B or higher in the course, AND;
- Student must achieve success on the CTE Proof of Learning (POL):
- a score of 90 or higher on the CTE post-assessment (state test, 3rd-party, or local)
- meet proficiency on the CTE performance-based measure (PBM)
- for courses that have industry credentials as the proof of learning, students should follow the procedure for Credit for Prior Learning as outlined in the NC Community College System Curriculum Procedures Reference Manual
Course pairings indicated as “statewide” allow the student to earn the credit at any North Carolina community college, while course pairings indicated as “local” are agreements established specifically between Johnston County Public Schools and Johnston Community College (JCC). Local agreements may not be honored at community colleges other than JCC.
High school students who enroll in a Career and College Promise (CCP) pathway may earn articulated college credit as described in this agreement while enrolled in high school if the CTE articulated college credit is part of their CCP pathway.
Community college officials verify eligibility and acceptance of articulated courses listed on the high school transcript. Students may be asked to submit supporting documentation and/or demonstrate proficiency to receive credit. Please connect with the Admission Office at the community college to process articulated credit.