Business Management and Administration
Learn concepts for starting your own business and become acquainted with business financing and marketing strategies.
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Begin Your Journey
Entrepreneurship I
Evaluate the concepts of going into business for yourself and working to operate a small business. Become acquainted with channel management, pricing, product/service management, and promotion while exploring feasible ideas for products/services, business financing, and marketing strategies using the Lean Canvas Business Model (LCBM).
Entrepreneurship II
Develop a business plan and understand pertinent decisions to be made for business positioning, financing, staffing, and profit planning while acquiring an in-depth understanding of business regulations, risks, management, and marketing.
Get Certified

Venture Entrepreneurial Expedition
This training allows students to learn basic business skills and develop a personalized plan for an individual business.

Entrepreneurship and Small Business
This Certiport certification builds key conceptual knowledge to validate an individual’s readiness to run a small business.
Expand Your Journey
Found your passion? These courses relate to this career pathway and may align to your career and college goals. Find out which of these may be available at your school and consider adding them to your Course Plan in Xello.
Browse enhancement courses:
- Adobe Visual Design I
- Business Essentials
- Marketing
- Microsoft Excel
Earn College Credit
Get a head start on your college education by taking advantage of dual credit opportunities. There are CTE courses that can articulate to the community college, meaning they will award college credit. Also, the Career & College Promise (CCP) program allows eligible high school students to enroll in community college classes.
Articulated Credits
- BUS-139 Entrepreneurship I
- ETR-210 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
CCP Pathways
Business Management and Administration
Careers focused on planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations.