Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing
One thing most manufacturing businesses have in common: increasing use of technology. From roastmasters who use programmable coffee roasting machines to industrial engineering technicians who operate 3-D printers that make metal parts, manufacturing is quite different than it was even a decade ago.
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Begin Your Journey
Advanced Manufacturing I
Focused on production in today’s manufacturing industry, you will explore the what it means to be a part of a production team; how to work safely in a manufacturing facility; work with electrical, pneumatic, power, and hydraulic systems; and experience machining concepts such as lubrication, chain drives, and automation.
Advanced Manufacturing II
You will develop skills and techniques for quality control in manufacturing, such as the calibration of gauges, product and process inspection, corrective actions, blueprint reading, precision measurement tools, coordinating team workflows, product specifications, and preparing products for shipping and distribution.
Manufacturing Robotics
You will learn how to program, operate, and maintain a robot used in the manufacturing environment. You will have hands-on experience operating a robot, including frame setup, writing, modifying and executing basic programs, program offset, backup, restorations, creating and modifying simulations.
Get Certified

Certified Production Technician (CPT) 4.0
Demonstrate mastery of the core competencies of advanced manufacturing production at the entry-level to front-line supervisor.

FCR-01 FANUC Certified Robot - Operator 1
Written assessment for entry level position as robotics associate in manufacturing.
Expand Your Journey
Found your passion? These courses relate to this career pathway and may align to your career and college goals. Find out which of these may be available at your school and consider adding them to your Course Plan in Xello.
Browse enhancement courses:
- Agricultural Mechanics I and II
- Microsoft Excel
- Project Management I and II
Earn College Credit
Get a head start on your college education by taking advantage of dual credit opportunities. There are CTE courses that can articulate to the community college, meaning they will award college credit. Also, the Career & College Promise (CCP) program allows eligible high school students to enroll in community college classes.
Articulated Credits
- ISC-112 Industrial Safety
- MNT-110 Introduction to Maintenance Procedures
- MAC-171 Measure/Material and Safety
- ATR-112 Introduction to Automation
Careers focused on planning, managing and performing the processing of materials into intermediate or final products and related professional and technical support activities such as production planning and control, maintenance and manufacturing, and process engineering.