Human Services
Early Childhood Education and Services
Do you love working with and watching children learn and grow? Learn about developmental needs of children, inclusive environments, communicating expectations, setting limits, and guiding children’s behavior.
Embedded in the pathway is an internship in an early childhood program where you will apply what to learn in the real-world.
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Begin Your Journey
Child Development
Begin building an understanding of children from prenatal development through age five in all areas of development- physical, cognitive, emotional and social.
Early Childhood Education I
This two-credit course prepares students to work with children in early childhood education settings. Topics of study include historical, theoretical, and philosophical foundations of the profession, the structure of early childhood programs, connecting appropriate learning activities and teaching strategies to developmental needs of children, inclusive environments, communicating expectations, setting limits, and guiding behavior, as well as personal growth in the field of child development. An internship makes up 50 percent of instructional time.
Early Childhood Education II
This two-credit course provides advanced experiences in working with children from infancy to age 12 in early education and childcare settings. Areas of study include program planning and management, developmentally appropriate practice, procedures, and strategies for working with special groups of children, career development and professionalism. An internship makes up 50 percent of instructional time.
Get Certified

Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED
This training allows participants to recognize and respond to common first aid emergencies.

North Carolina Early Childhood Credential
Certification must be completed within six months of being hired or 18 months from hire date.
Expand Your Journey
Found your passion? These courses relate to this career pathway and may align to your career and college goals. Find out which of these may be available at your school and consider adding them to your Course Plan in Xello.
Browse enhancement courses:
- Business Essentials
- Counseling and Mental Health I
- Principles of Family and Human Services
- Teaching as a Profession I
Earn College Credit
Get a head start on your college education by taking advantage of dual credit opportunities. There are CTE courses that can articulate to the community college, meaning they will award college credit. Also, the Career & College Promise (CCP) program allows eligible high school students to enroll in community college classes.
Articulated Credits
- EDU 119 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
Human Services
Careers focused on supporting families and human needs such as counseling and mental health services, family and community services, personal care and consumer services.