Business Management and Administration
Project Management
Are you able to lead a team and communicate clear expectations? Project managers work in a variety of industries and know how to set a budget, create a project timeline, assign tasks to others, and conduct effective team meetings. Learn how to keep a team progressing forward in order to complete a project by a set deadline and within a set budget.
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Begin Your Journey
Project Management I
Learn the principles, concepts, and software applications used in the management of projects. Through simulated real-world situations, you will practice using the framework of initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, and closing a project while integrating the core concepts of scope, time, and cost.
Project Management II
Develop advanced project management skills by leading real-world situations. Practice facilitating concepts of quality management, human resources, communication management, risk management, procurement management, and stakeholder management.
Get Certified

PMI Project Management Ready
This certification will equip students with the background knowledge necessary to prepare for a career in project management.
Expand Your Journey
Found your passion? These courses relate to this career pathway and may align to your career and college goals. Find out which of these may be available at your school and consider adding them to your Course Plan in Xello.
Browse enhancement courses:
- Business Essentials
- Construction Core
- CompTIA IT Fundamentals
- Microsoft Excel
Earn College Credit
Get a head start on your college education by taking advantage of dual credit opportunities. There are CTE courses that can articulate to the community college, meaning they will award college credit. Also, the Career & College Promise (CCP) program allows eligible high school students to enroll in community college classes.
CCP Pathways
Business Management and Administration
Careers focused on planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations.