Computer Science Discoveries
Don’t just use and consume computer science, peek behind the scenes to see how it works- you just might find it will start your journey to a career field hungry for your talent and willing to pay for it!

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Course Sequence
Computer Science Discoveries I
Solve puzzles, challenges, and real-world scenarios. Learn how computers input, output, store, and process information to help humans solve problems. Create and share content on your own web pages using HTML and CSS. Practice debugging, using resources, and teamwork.
Grade 6
Computer Science Discoveries II
Use the same programming and design skills computer scientists use to program animations, interactive art, and games in Game Lab. Investigate the social impacts of computing.
Grade 7
Computer Science Discoveries III
Explore the importance of data in solving problems and how computers can help. Consider how different sensors can provide better input and output than traditional keyboard, mouse, and monitor. Develop programs that use the same hardware inputs and outputs found in smart devices. Take a look at how a prototype leads to a finished product.
Grade 8