Career Investigations

Take a step into the Career Investigations Lab and explore a wide variety of careers by rotating through hands-on/minds-on career exploration stations. Each grade level you’ll explore a new set of occupations,  industries, and skills.

Explore Occupations

Course Sequence

Career Investigations Lab

Learn how the Career Investigations Lab works- the procedures and rules you’ll want to follow to stay safe and get the most out of the lab. Begin exploring careers by rotating through 2-3 career stations.

Grade 6

Career Investigations Lab

Continue your exploration of careers by rotating through 3-4 new career stations. Emphasis is on developing the skills employers most want- employability “soft” skills.

Grade 7

Career Investigations Lab

Finish your exploration of careers by rotating through 3-4 new career stations. Emphasis this year is on creating a 4-year high school course plan and aligning high school career pathway opportunities to the stations you enjoyed to get the most out of your high school experience.

Grade 8